Hacking Capitalism: The Free and Open Source Software Movement

Hacking Capitalism: The Free and Open Source Software Movement By Johan Sderberg
Publisher: Rout ledge 2008 | 252 Pages | ISBN: 0415955432 , 0203937856 | File type: PDF | 15 mb

The Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) movement demonstrates how labour can self-organise production, and, as is shown by the free operating system GNU/Linux, even compete with some of the worlds largest firms. The book examines the hopes of such thinkers as Friedrich Schiller, Karl Marx, Herbert Marcuse and Antonio Negri, in the light of the recent achievements of the hacker movement. This book is the first to examine a different kind of political activism that consists in the development of technology from below.



http://uploading.com/files/52925f9c/Hacking Capitalism.rar/


Hacking Exposed: Network Security Secretsamp; Solutions, Third Edition by Stuart McClure

Hacking Exposed: Network Security Secrets Solutions, Third Edition by Stuart McClure
Publisher: Osborne/; 3rd edition (September 26, 2001) | ISBN: 0072193816 | Pages: 700 | File type: PDF | 5.85 mb
A lot of computer-security textbooks approach the subject from a defensive point of view. "Do this, and probably you'll survive a particular kind of attack," they say. In refreshing contrast, Hacking Exposed, Second Edition talks about security from an offensive angle. A Jane's-like catalog of the weaponry that black-hat hackers use is laid out in full. Readers see what programs are out there, get a rundown on what the programs can do, and benefit from detailed explanations of concepts (such as wardialing and rootkits) that most system administrators kind of understand, but perhaps not in detail. The book also walks through how to use the more powerful and popular hacker software, including L0phtCrack. This new edition has been updated extensively, largely with the results of "honeypot" exercises (in which attacks on sacrificial machines are monitored) and Windows 2000 public security trials. There's a lot of new stuff on e-mail worms, distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks, and attacks that involve routing protocols.

The result of all of this familiarity with bad-guy tools is a leg up on defending against them. Hacking Exposed wastes no time in explaining how to implement the countermeasures where they exist that will render known attacks ineffective. Taking on the major network operating systems and network devices one at a time, the authors tell you exactly what Unix configuration files to alter, what Windows NT Registry keys to change, and what settings to make in NetWare. They spare no criticism of products with which they aren't impressed, and don't hesitate to point out inherent, uncorrectable security weaknesses where they find them. This book is no mere rehashing of generally accepted security practices. It and its companion Web site are the best way for all of you network administrators to know thine enemies.

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Hacking the Human

Ian Mann, "Hacking the Human"
Publisher: Gower | ISBN 10: 0566087731 | 2008 | File type: PDF | 266 pages | 1.8 mb
Information security is about people, yet in most organizations protection remains focused on technical countermeasures. The human element is crucial in the majority of successful attacks on systems and attackers are rarely required to find technical vulnerabilities, hacking the human is usually sufficient.Ian Mann turns the black art of social engineering into an information security risk that can be understood, measured and managed effectively. The text highlights the main sources of risk from social engineering and draws on psychological models to explain the basis for human vulnerabilities. Chapters on vulnerability mapping, developing a range of protection systems and awareness training provide a practical and authoritative guide to the risks and countermeasures that are available.There is a singular lack of useful information for security and IT professionals regarding the human vulnerabilities that social engineering attacks tend to exploit. Ian Mann provides a rich mix of examples, applied research and practical solutions that will enable you to assess the level of risk in your organization; measure the strength of your current security and enhance your training and systemic countermeasures accordingly. If you are responsible for physical or information security or the protection of your business and employees from significant risk, then "Hacking the Human" is a must-read.


When the Market Moves, Will You Be Ready?

When the Market Moves, Will You Be Ready?
Publisher: McGraw-Hill | ISBN: 0071410678 | edition 2003 | PDF | 290 pages | 13,3 mb

High-profile events and announcements can cause tremendous swings in stocks and sectors, and often point out tremendous opportunities to investors who know how to read them. When the Market Moves, Will You Be Ready? is a "how-to" for knowing which events matter versus which are meaningless, and how to take advantage of the former for consistent trading success.
Emphasizing the practical side of trading, When the Market Moves, Will You Be Ready? features exercises, Q&As, and checklists for using investing techniques in day, swing, value, or virtually any other trading or investing style.
This hands-on book explores:
* Techniques for finding the best stock in a given sector
* Methods for profitably combining technical and fundamental analysis
* Ways to continually assess market and sector trends


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